, CVR.NR. 38046837
Lottenborgvej 24, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Aftale, fConfidentiality and customerrelations

(freelancer/consultant/specialist temp/jobager)

Date: September 8, 2024


About this agreement

This is an agreement that regulates the cooperation between Marketingcapacity (hereinafter MC) and the Candidate/freelancer/consultant/specialist temp/employee (mentioned above) in relation to identifying opportunities for the Candidate's placement as a supplier/freelancer/employee in selected companies.

The purpose of the agreement is to ensure the framework for good cooperation, including duties, responsibilities and confidentiality, so that MC can continuously communicate relevant/desired assignments.

The conclusion of this agreement does not entail an obligation for MC to provide work opportunities for the candidate, nor does MC vouch for anyone or any relationship with the candidate in this regard.

1. framework and reporting

Recruitment for a permanent position/employment in a company: The final employment agreement containing terms of employment, including salary, pension, etc. is drawn up by the company. In this case, there is no requirement for a CVR number or self-employed status.

Recruitment for freelance/consulting assignments: The price is determined for each assignment. The price is determined as 1) An hourly rate and 2) A description of the overall assignment process / including expected total time and completion. The candidate invoices collectively once per month. (last working day of the month) to MC according to approved hourly/weekly invoices. Other payment and settlement terms are stated in the individual project agreements. It is a prerequisite for the agreement that the amount is invoiced from a company/CVR number, and that this is an agreement between two companies. This is not a personal employment relationship, and it is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that this is maintained in perpetuity.

2. Customer relationship

As a candidate, you are not allowed to make direct contact and/or negotiate with the customer outside the MC.

This applies from the moment the candidate is presented/learns about the customer/assignment (via conversation, e-mail, meeting or otherwise), during the recruitment process (before any agreement is entered into), during the assignment process, and until 12 months after completion of the assignment process. If the candidate is contacted by the customer with an offer of employment, change of assignment (extension/shortening), new assignments or price negotiation, the candidate is obliged to contact MC with this and let MC handle the dialog about this. Violation of this is considered a material breach of contract.

By joining this agreement, the candidate confirms and hereby consents to:

  • That MC is entitled to use and disclose the candidate's name and information (CV) to the company in question, and
  • That MC may register the candidate with his/her information (CV) in MCs in accordance with The Data Protection Act's (Personal Data Act) rules on this, and
  • That MC may contact the candidate by e-mail with relevant project opportunities as well as other relevant news material and business conditions and relationships for MC in connection with MC's work as facilitator for potential subcontractor opportunities and other business relationships.

3. Confidentiality

All information that the candidate gets through working with the customer/company must be kept confidential to everyone, including competitors.

This is to ensure that the customer can feel comfortable sharing important information with the candidate during the assignment process. This obligation also applies after the end of the facilitation period between MC and the candidate.

4. Costs / expenses

Costs, expenses, additional use of hours, etc. that go beyond the agreement must be submitted and approved in order to be valid for invoicing.

5. Termination or change of scope

See the specific project agreement.

6. Possible exceptions

The candidate wishes to exclude the following companies from this agreement due to pre-existing customer relationship or relationship

Accepted in the affirmative by the Candidate;

September 8, 2024

For the candidate:

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Marketingcapacity, NDA
lock iconUnique Document ID: 2d8c6ed78023cb8e9a98295f14dd4343d94d5c4a
Timestamp Audit
November 30, 2021 4:55 pm CESTMarketingcapacity, NDA Uploaded by Carsten Bjerregaard - IP
February 9, 2022 3:03 pm CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 15, 2022 9:25 am CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 18, 2022 9:44 am CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: