, CVR:. 38046837
Lottenborgvej 24, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Project collaboration agreement, Freelancer

(Candidate, freelancer, consultant, temp, interim)

Date: September 8, 2024

Project business:


About this agreement

This is an agreement regulating the cooperation between Marketingcapacity (hereinafter referred to as MC) and the freelancer/consultant (hereinafter referred to as the candidate). The purpose of the agreement is to establish the framework for good cooperation, including obligations, responsibilities and confidentiality between the parties.

It is a prerequisite for the agreement that the candidate joins and works through a company (with CVR. No.), including paying social benefits, and is thus his/her own employer. The relationship between MC and the candidate is exclusively B2B. MC does not assume any responsibility as an employer and local employment laws are not applicable in this relationship. It is the responsibility of the Candidate to ensure this. It is understood and accepted that the Candidate as a freelancer performs other tasks simultaneously with this agreement with MC.

MC solely facilitates a potential assignment to the candidate in relation to the project company and assumes no responsibility for the candidate's execution of the project or the company's obligations to the candidate, including the exercise of project management or control over the candidate's work.

The candidate will provide the necessary equipment, such as materials, computer, cell phone, etc. to successfully perform and complete the assignment. Furthermore, MC does not handle taxation or assistance with bureaucratic matters on behalf of the candidate.

For clarity, the term "candidate" refers to the registered company under which a consultant offers its services to MC.

Title/Work area

1. pricing framework and reporting

2. Customer relationship

As a candidate (freelancer, consultant etc.), you are not allowed to contact and/or negotiate prices directly with the company outside of MC.

This applies from the moment the candidate is presented/learns about the company/assignment (via conversation, email, meeting or other), during the recruitment process (before any agreement is made), during the assignment, and until 12 months after completion of the assignment/collaboration. 

If the candidate is contacted directly by the company about a change of assignment (extension/shortening), new assignments or price negotiations, the candidate is obliged to contact MC immediately with a copy of this/about this, and let MC handle the dialog about this. Violation of this is considered a material breach that may result in liability for damages.

However, it is permitted to enter into negotiations about permanent employment after the end of the project period. It is permitted for the candidate to have a dialog with the company about permanent employment (also during the project period), including dialog and negotiation about the content of such an agreement. The candidate is obliged to inform MC about such a dialog.

3. Confidentiality and rights

The candidate must keep secret such information about matters that are not intended to be disclosed to third parties.

The candidate must also keep confidential all information received about a party's business activities, and the candidate may only use received material and information to fulfill contractual obligations under this agreement. And must return all material to the company upon completion of the assignment.

The company acquires the rights to the work performed, i.e. it cannot be sold/transferred to another party.

This provision shall also apply to the time after the termination of this agreement for any reason.

4. Costs and expenses

Costs, disbursements, additional hours spent, etc. that exceed the agreement must be submitted and approved in advance by the company in order to be settled with the company/MC.

5. Termination or change of scope

Copenhagen on September 8, 2024

For the candidate/consultant/freelancer:

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Document name: Candidate Project agreement DK
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Timestamp Audit
August 5, 2023 9:46 pm CESTCandidate Project agreement DK Uploaded by Carsten Bjerregaard - IP
August 25, 2023 12:55 pm CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
August 25, 2023 3:03 pm CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
August 25, 2023 3:03 pm CESTMemona Ishfaq - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
August 25, 2023 3:10 pm CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
December 6, 2023 1:38 pm CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
December 6, 2023 1:53 pm CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
April 22, 2024 12:04 pm CESTCarsten Bjerregaard - added by Carsten Bjerregaard - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: