Lokation: Charlottenlund
Uddannelse:Civilingeniør, HD-O
Ønskede forløb:
- længere forløb (3+ måneder)
- Freelance/Vikar
- kortere forløb (<3 måneder)
- Timer pr. uge: 24+
Projektledare för IT/Web -
IT Projektleder
I have 12 years experience as Project Manager, and 4 years as Project Coordinator on very large projects. My core competencies are project management, leadership, and change management. I have strong communication skills, technical flair, and thrive in a dynamic and creative environment.
My leadership style is involved and situational, with a balanced focus on conveying visions, motivating, listening, and managing stakeholders. I focus on building strong teams through motivation and personal leadership to deliver the best results for employees as well as customers.
I have solid experience from the financial sector where I have been managing several projects, some of very high criticality with extremely demanding customers, one involving 40 full time participants and more than 200 people across the organisation, as well as an infrastructure project implementing a new technical architecture in a highly complex system, while not affecting the user experience.
Har löst några uppgifter.
2: Avancerad nybörjare - En viss erfarenhetHar löst flera uppgifter.
3: Kompetent - Stor erfarenhetHar löst många olika uppgifter. Erfaren och självständig.
4: Expert - omfattande erfarenhetMycket erfaren. Kan utbilda/coacha andra.
Virksomhed | Arbejdsområder | Afsluttet | Varighed | Tilknytning | ||
PenSam | , , , , | 2022 | 1-2 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent | ||
Edora | , , , , | 2021 | 1-2 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent |