
How to use

Important about your time tracking

  1. Payment cannot be guaranteed for work/hours that are not recorded on time according to the agreement.
  2. Remember to create a short descriptive text for each registration.
  3. Only record net working hours performed for the customer on agreed tasks. Not transportation time, lunch, breaks etc.
  4. If you have agreed on the time spent on a specific task, it's important that your records reflect this.
  5. If you have made a mistake in a weekly statement, simply create a new one and send it through. The most recent one counts.

Invoicing & payment

How to invoice

  1. You must send your monthly invoice on the 1st of each month.
  2. Your invoice must include all your hours for the previous month. That is, from the 1st to the last day of the month.
  3. Your invoice must match your registered hours.
  4. Send your monthly invoice to:
  5. Your invoice is paid mid-month.

Weekly and monthly summaries

  1. Select an archive or specific person in the menu above to view weekly and monthly summaries.
  2. Monthly report and monthly invoice may differ in some cases, as some freelancers bill in full weeks.

About facilitation

  1. facilitates contract, time registration and invoicing for all freelancers connected through us.
  2. We make sure the freelancer is paid within 2 weeks, regardless of whether the company has longer credit terms. Many freelancers really appreciate this.

Contact us if you want to assign other freelancers to this facilitation.