
Find the ideal permanent employee

If you need a new marketing professional, you’ve come to the right place.

Does your company need to cover a permanent position within marketing and communication? Then can certainly help you. We solve more and more recruitment tasks for larger companies. Among other things, because we have over 1,500 active and verified members here on the platform and because we have a network of over 3,000 people with whom we are in continuous dialog. We cover all marketing and communication functions and all levels.

Of course, every job is unique. So is our approach – and a bit different from traditional recruitment agencies:

We combine three things:

  1. A classic recruitment effort where we profile and contact potential candidates in permanent positions via personal contact and LinkedIn
  2. Our unique network of freelancers, temps and job seekers
  3. A lean process with a quick, in-person pre-qualification and initial online interviews

This has proven effective, especially when companies are looking to recruit specialists.

This way of working appeals to many. Partly because it’s efficient and partly because it’s more lean than the way many headhunters and recruitment agencies work.


  • Learn more about the process

    Fill in the fields and immediately receive our brochure, which contains information about the recruitment process and price list.

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