Lokation: Middelfart
Uddannelse:Cand mag Informationsvidenskab, Tillægsuddannelsen DMJX
Ønskede forløb:
- kortere forløb (<3 måneder)
- Timer pr. uge: 1-12 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 12-24 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 24+
Marketing Manager - Content Marketing Specialist
Content Marketing Specialist
I love to work with companies that are challenging how things used to be.
The way they used to work with marketing. It’s usually focusing on the products rather than the audience – and the customers couldn’t care less. The way they go to market. Using the usual channels to market new products rarely works. New messaging to the right people is key. The way marketing is perceived. It’s normally seen as a necessary cost center. Marketing should work with clear goals that support the overall business strategy.
My career is a mix of dedicated hands-on marketing at some of the most successful Danish tech-startups and plenty of consulting for companies in various industries that want to improve their commercial operations.
Major achievements include:
– Built my consultancy based on consistent blogging which has helped me gain a position as a thought leader in content marketing.
– Team lead and first marketing hire in Trustpilot which is among Denmark’s very few unicorns.
– Coauthor of Content Marketing Bogen. The first book in Danish on the topic has sold more than 4,000 copies and has been used for educational purposes all over the country.
– Researched for the second edition of the global bestseller Content Inc. that introduces a new audience-driven business model for content creators. Translated and narrated as audiobook in Danish.
– Strategic advisor and contributor to go-to-market plans for some very promising green start-ups. Cases available on messbar.dk
Has solved a few tasks.
2: Advanced Beginner - Some experienceHas solved multiple tasks.
3: Competent - Great experienceHas solved numerous tasks. Experienced and independent.
4: Expert - Extensive experienceVery experienced. Can train/mentor others.
Virksomhed |
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Tilknytning |
Procudan | Marketing strategy, Digital campaigns, DM/Lead generation, Social Media, Content Marketing | Igangværende | 2-3 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent |