NDA option Old DK DK UKCompany contact person First Last Email Company6: Honorar<strong>A. Freelancer (Selvstændig specialist/vikar/konsulent/interim) </strong></br> <p>Brug af MC, herunder personlig assistance m.m. i forbindelse med faciliteringen af potentielle kandidater er ved freelance- og vikartilknytning indregnet/inkluderet i kandidatens time- eller månedspris, som oplyses inden samtalerne. Der er ingen øvrige omkostninger.</br></p> <strong>B. Rekruttering til fastansættelse i virksomheden</strong></br></br> Brug af MC, herunder personlig assistance m.m. i forbindelse med faciliteringen af potentielle kandidater til direkte ansættelse i virksomheden afregnes med: 1) Et honorar på 25.000 kr. (fast/ubetinget), samt 2) Et beløb svarende til en månedsløn (Inkl. tillæg, excl. pension) for den pågældende person (betinget af, at der vælges en person til ansættelse), som afregnes, når ansættelsesaftalen er indgået. Undtaget herfor er rekruttering til ansættelse efter påbegyndt freelance- eller vikarforløb (Se pt. 7-C). Med mindre andet er aftalt, anses alle kandidater, som fremkommer under et rekrutteringsforløb at være omfattet af denne aftale. Evt. kandidater som søger, eller tager direkte kontakt til virksomheden i processen, overleveres til MC for at indgå i den samlede rekrutteringsproces. 6: Fee<strong>A. Freelancer (Independent specialist/temp/consultant/Interim) </strong></br> The use of MC including personal assistance, etc., in connection with the facilitation of potential candidates is included in the candidate's hourly or monthly rate for freelance and temporary assignments, which will be provided before the interviews. There are no additional costs.</br></br> <strong>B. Recruitment for permanent employment within the company</strong></br> The use of MC, including personal assistance, etc., in connection with the facilitation of potential candidates for direct employment in the company is subject to the following fees: 1) A fee of 25,000 DKK. (fixed/unconditional), and 2) An amount equivalent to one month's salary (Including supplements, excluding pension) for the respective person (conditional upon the selection of a candidate for employment), which will be settled/invoiced when the employment contract is signed. An exception to this, is recruitment for employment after the beginning of a freelance assignment (See pt. 7-C). Unless otherwise agreed, all candidates who emerge during a recruitment process are considered to be covered by this agreement. Any potential candidates who apply or make direct contact with the company during the process will be handed over to MC to be included in the overall recruitment process 7: Generelt gældende samarbejdsvilkår<strong>For de kandidater som MC præsenterer i rekrutteringsprocessen gælder det: </strong> <p><strong>A:</strong> I faciliteringsperioden foregår al kommunikation vedr. opgaver, herunder forhandling af pris udelukkende til og via MC kontaktperson. </p> <p><strong>B:</strong> Faciliteringsforholdet vedr. kandidaten, MC og kunden er aktivt i 12 mdr. efter at kandidaten præsenteres, eller, såfremt der indledes samarbejde med kandidaten, 12 mdr. efter at sidste opgaveforløb er afsluttet. Dvs. ønsker virksomheden at benytte kandidaten til nye opgaveforløb indenfor 12 mdr. efter præsentationen af kandidaten, eller 12 mdr. efter afslutningen af sidste opgaveforløb, sker dette udelukkende gennem MC.</p> <p><strong>C:</strong> Såfremt virksomheden ønsker at ansætte kandidaten, betales der et beløb svarende til 2 mdr. løn til MC for rekruttering, eller 1,0 mdr. løn hvis virksomheden på tidspunktet har købt mere end 240 timer hos kandidaten indenfor de seneste 12 mdr. (Dette beregnes som den aktuelle fuldtidsløn inkl. bonus og tillæg, excl. pension)</p> <p><strong>D:</strong> Et brud på aftalerne vedr. samarbejde (A-C) udløser for virksomheden en betaling til MC svarende 2 mdr. løn, fuld tid, i henhold til den aktuelle timepriser for kandidaten.</p> <p><strong>E:</strong> Ved eventuel uoverensstemmelse med nærværende og den konkrete projektaftale, har den konkrete projektaftale forrang.</p>7: General terms and conditions<p><strong>For the candidates that MC presents in the recruitment process, the following applies:</strong></p><p><strong>A:</strong>During the facilitation period, all communication regarding tasks, including price negotiations, takes place exclusively to and through MC contact person.</p> <p><strong>B:</strong> The facilitation relationship concerning the candidate, MC, and the client is active for 12 months after the candidate is presented or, if collaboration with the candidate is initiated, 12 months after the completion of the last assignment. This means that if the company wishes to use the candidate for new assignments within 12 months of the candidate's presentation or 12 months after the completion of the last assignment, it must be done exclusively through MC.</p> <p><strong>C:</strong> If the company wishes to hire the candidate as a permanent employee, a fee equivalent to 2.0 months' salary is paid to MC for the recruitment, or 1.0 month's salary if the company has purchased more than 240 hours from the candidate within the past 12 months. (This is calculated as the current full-time salary agreed upon including bonuses and allowances, excluding pension)</p> <p><strong>D:</strong> Any breach of the agreements regarding collaboration (A-C) will result in the company paying a fee to MC equivalent to 2.0 months' full-time salary based on the current hourly rates for the candidate.</p> <p><strong>E:</strong>In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and the specific project agreement, the specific project agreement shall take precedence.</p>10: Sikring af freelancerens betalingFreelancere er afhængige af deres indkomst ligesom lønmodtagere. Derfor er det vigtigt at skabe tryghed omkring økonomien i samarbejdet. Ved opstart af samarbejde, vil det blive pålagt virksomheden at stille behørig sikkerhed for betaling. Sikkerhed stilles typisk som bankgaranti eller depositum. Hvis der vælges depositum, indbetales dette til MC, som opbevarer beløbet til endt samarbejde. 10: Securing the freelancer's paymentFreelancers depend on their income just like salaried employees. It is therefore important to create security around the finances of the collaboration. At the start of cooperation, the company will be required to provide adequate security for payment. Security is typically provided as a bank guarantee or deposit. If a deposit is chosen, this is paid to MC, who keeps the amount until the end of the collaboration. ProfilForventet behovOpstartSamtaler
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