Find erfarne Active Campaign-specialister til dit næste projekt

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Viser: Active Campaign

Odense | Freelance/Vikar

Digital Marketing Manager & Tekstforfatter.
Mine spidskompetencer er styring af den digitale marketingsindsats samt tekstforfatning på dansk og ...

Uretek Engineering, OnRobot, Intelligent Banker, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, Kommunikation/PR, SEO,

Solrød Strand | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Digital Performance Marketing Specialist.
Vil du skabe effektfuld kommunikation og skabe resultat af din digitale kommunikation? Jeg har arbej...

Orchestra, Resultify, ...

Content Marketing, Digitale kampagner, Branding/identitet,

Hinnerup | Freelance/Vikar

Journalistisk skarphed i din marketing.
Som uddannet journalist er jeg ekspert i at finde den helt rigtige vinkel - uanset om det er et nyhe...

TOUCHÉ Reklamebureau, Selvstændig freelancer, Swiftfox, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Branding/identitet,

Beder | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Digital Designer og Art Director.
Jeg er en digital designer / digital art director og har mere end 10 års erfaring fra både digitale ...

Envision, Gorm.Agency, ...

UX/UI, UX/brugeradfærd, Design,

Aarhus C | Freelance/Vikar

Marketing Manager.
Jeg har lidt af en sitren i kroppen over at udfordre dig og/eller din virksomhed, når det omhandler ...

GrowthFactor, DoBetr, Reebok, ...

Film redigering, Foto, Design,

Odense | Freelance/Vikar

Online marketing specialist.
Dreven digital marketing ,SaaS og E-com specialist til jeres holdJeg har en p.BA i International...

Webdock, Flow IT,, ...

Marketingplanlægning, Sociale Medier, Shopper/Trade Marketing,

horsens | Freelance/Vikar

Brand designer.
Jeg er uddannet grafisk designer og har siden 2005 arbejdet på en række reklamebureauer. Jeg har bla...

Superego, ...

Præsentationer, Design, Branding/identitet,

København N | Freelance/Vikar

Freelance IT & Marketing Consultant.
Jeg er god til at sætte mig i kundens sted, forstå deres produkter, behov og udfordringer, og efterf...

Brugte Computere, Nordic IT Rental, Rinnovo, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, SEO, Digitale kampagner,

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Find a skilled marketing specialist with ActiveCampaign experience

Many freelance specialists here on the platform have experience with technologies in addition to their respective marketing skills. So if you use ActiveCampaign in your company, you can find resources with relevant experience for your team here.

Which 5 ActiveCampaign-related skills are important in your team?

When it comes to ActiveCampaign-related skills in a marketing team, there are several key skills that can be beneficial. Here are some of the most important competencies:

  1. ActiveCampaign platform knowledge: It is important that some on the team have a sufficient understanding of the ActiveCampaign platform, including its features, tools and capabilities. This includes being able to create and manage automated campaigns, segment audiences, create emails and formulate effective automated workflows.
  2. Email Marketing: Since ActiveCampaign is an email marketing platform, it is important that team members have experience in creating and optimizing emails. This includes being able to write engaging and targeted emails, understanding email marketing best practices and analyzing email performance.
  3. Automation and Segmentation: ActiveCampaign is known for its automation and segmentation features. Team members must be able to leverage these features to create targeted and personalized campaigns. This includes being able to create automated workflows, segment audiences based on behavior and demographics, and deliver content to the right people at the right time.
  4. Data analysis: In order to be able to measure and optimize marketing efforts, it is important to have skills in data analysis. Team members must be able to analyze and interpret data from ActiveCampaign, including open and click rates, conversion rates and customer behavior. This will help make informed decisions and optimize campaigns.
  5. Integration capabilities: ActiveCampaign can be integrated with other tools and systems such as CRM, CMS and e-commerce platforms. Team members with integration skills will be able to leverage these integrations to streamline workflows, automate data transfer, and improve cross-departmental collaboration.

These skills can be crucial if the company uses ActiveCampaign as an important marketing automation tool. It is important to have technical skills as well as marketing insights in relation to being able to maximize the value of the platform.

What marketing titles would typically be in contact with ActiveCampaign?

In many companies, these marketing titles will be in contact with ActiveCampaign. It is important to note that specific titles and responsibilities may vary depending on company size, industry and organizational structure

  • Marketing Automation Specialist: A marketing automation specialist can take on the responsibility of implementing and optimizing automated marketing campaigns using tools such as ActiveCampaign. The specialist will work on creating workflows, segmenting target groups, creating email campaigns and analyzing results to improve the effectiveness of marketing.
  • Email Marketing Manager: An email marketing manager will be responsible for planning, creating and executing email campaigns using tools such as ActiveCampaign. Focused on building and maintaining the email list, segmenting audiences, creating engaging email templates and analyzing campaign results to optimize performance.
  • CRM Manager: A CRM Manager is often responsible for managing and optimizing the company’s customer information and sales processes using tools such as ActiveCampaign. The manager will focus on organizing and segmenting customer data, automating the sales process, creating reports and analyzing data to improve the customer experience and increase sales.
  • Digital Marketing Manager: A digital marketing manager will have a broader role in digital marketing and will likely be responsible for implementing and managing various marketing tools, including ActiveCampaign. The manager will work across various channels such as email, social media, content marketing, etc. to achieve marketing goals and optimal campaign results.

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