Find erfarne Google Ads/Analytics-specialister til dit næste projekt

Alle freelancere og vikarer på denne side har Google Ads/Analytics-erfaring. Så hvis I bruger Google Ads/Analytics i din virksomhed, kan du hurtigt komme i kontakt med personer med relevant erfaring her.


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Viser: Insights & Data Specialist

Aarhus C | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

AI Consultant.
I am an AI consultant, I believe that this new technology can be utilized by companies and private p...

M2 Film, Regulars, , ...


Malmö |

UX & UI designer, frilans.
Hej på er alla! Jag är en UX- och produktdesigner med en bakgrund inom grafisk design och motion de...

Position green, Fröjd agency, Telia, ...

UX/UI, Design, UX/brugeradfærd,

Køge | Fastansættelse

Marketing Automation.
1: MA PLATFORME Bloomreach Agillic Salesforce Marketing Cloud Responsys Certificeringer: Sal...

Referencer:, Impact Extend, SEAS-NVE, ...

E-mail Marketing, CRM,

Sonderbdorg | Freelance/Vikar

Conversion Rate Specialist.
As a proactive leader in digital fields like digital marketing and user experimentation. I strong...

Digital Consultant, ...

UX/UI, IT/web projektledelse, UX/brugeradfærd,

København | Freelance/Vikar

Jeg er særligt god til kommunikationsopgaver som jeg har brede erfaringer med. Derudover er jeg en ...

artboost, Norrøn, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Branding/identitet, Præsentationer,

Kastrup | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

data analyst.
Webscraping with python beautiful soup, power BI, data analysis and visualization with python, data ...

Integrify, ...


Køge |

Data analyst.
Jeg er super god til data analysering, ETL og SAP BI pakken. Jeg har også arbejdet med Power BI, Exc...

ELIS Danmark, Dansand, UFST, ...

Markedsanalyse, Bestyrelse / advisory board, IT Support og Troubleshooting,

Hillerød | Freelance/Vikar

Senior Business Analyst & Project Manager.
Senior business analyst with several years of experience from analyzing, developing, managing and im...

Nuuday A/S, Ørsted A/S, GlobalConnect A/S, ...

Markedsanalyse, IT/web projektledelse, Præsentationer,

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Find a skilled marketing specialist with Google Ads/Analytics experience

As you will see, many specialists here on the platform have technology experience on top of their specific marketing skills. So if you use Google Ads/Analytics in your company, we can help you add resources with relevant experience to your team.

Which 6 Google Ads/Analytics-related skills are important in your team?

Google Ads/Analytics are probably some of the most important and widespread tools in marketing in general. And with the right skills in the team, you can go a long way:

  1. Google Ads campaign setup: The ability to create and optimize Google Ads campaigns is essential. It includes choosing relevant keywords, creating effective advertising, setting up targeting and budget management.
  2. Ad Optimization: The ability to analyze and optimize ads to improve click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate and ad quality results. This may include adjusting bids, improving ad copy, and testing different ads.
  3. Target group analysis: It is important to analyze and understand the behavior and interests of the target groups using Google Analytics and other tools. This helps target ads to the right people and optimize campaigns.
  4. Conversion Tracking: Ability to implement and track conversions using Google Analytics and other tracking tools. It is important to assess the effectiveness of the campaign and areas that can be improved.
  5. Analysis and Reporting: Being able to analyze data from Google Analytics and other sources to assess campaign performance, identify trends and make informed decisions. This includes creating reports and presenting results to stakeholders.
  6. Technical knowledge: It is desirable to have people who understand technical aspects of Google Ads and Analytics. This includes tags, tracking codes, remarketing and other technical implementations.

Thus, it is important to have a team with a wide range of Google skills and experience to achieve the best results.

Which marketing titles will typically be in contact with Google Ads/Analytics?

We often see titles like:

  • Digital Marketing Manager: A digital marketing manager is responsible for planning, implementing and optimizing digital marketing campaigns, including the use of Google Ads and Analytics. The Manager will monitor and analyze data from Google Analytics to assess campaign performance and make decisions based on these insights.
  • PPC Specialist: A PPC (Pay-Per-Click) specialist specializes in managing and optimizing Google Ads campaigns. The specialist will work closely with the Google Ads platform to create and optimize ads, select relevant keywords and monitor campaign results using Google Analytics.
  • Web Analyst: A web analyst is responsible for collecting and analyzing data about web traffic and user behavior using tools such as Google Analytics. As well as identifying trends, measuring campaign effectiveness and providing insight into how to improve website performance and conversion rates.
  • Marketing analyst: The analyst uses data from Google Analytics to assess and optimize marketing campaigns. It will, among other things, say analyze key performance indicators (KPIs), identify audiences and segment, and provide insights on how to improve marketing strategies based on data.
  • E-commerce Manager: An e-commerce manager must run and optimize online sales channels, including using Google Ads and Analytics. The manager will typically use data from Google Analytics to understand customer behavior, identify sales trends and optimize conversion rates.

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