Find erfarne Hubspot-specialister til dit næste projekt

Alle freelancere og vikarer på denne side har Hubspot-erfaring. Så hvis I bruger Hubspot i din virksomhed, kan du hurtigt komme i kontakt med personer med relevant erfaring her.


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Viser: SEO Specialist

Odense | Freelance/Vikar

Tekstforfatter og SEO-konsulent.
Som erfaren tekstforfatter, med speciale i SEO og den gode brugeroplevelse, sørger jeg for, at du ti...

HUSET Middelfart, Normal A/S, Tyrsbjerglund Anlægsgartner, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, SEO, Content Marketing,

Glostrup | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Webudvikler og Grafisk Designer.
Jeg brænder for at skabe unikke og skræddersyede hjemmesider som en erfaren webdesigner med over 8 å...

Herlev Tandpunkt, Tuborg Tandklinik, GE-NAU, ...

UX/brugeradfærd, Design, SEO,

Langeskov | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Webdesigner/udvikler, E-commerce, SEO, Google, Digital Marketing, Kommunikation.
Jeg er en analytisk og kreativ professionel i digital marketing med stærke evner i at omsætte data t...

Entri, JFM, Spillemyndigheden, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, Website/CMS, SEO,

Holstebro | Freelance/Vikar

Erfaren Online Marketer.
Seasoned digital marketer with 20+ years of experience in the digital space, including demand and le...

Creative Force, Escapeaway, Pixelz Inc, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, SEO,

Slangerup | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Analystisk og teknisk stærk webmaster og digital alsidig marketeer.
Jeg har 20+ års erfaring med performance optimering, i første omgang inden for digital transformatio...

VELUX Commercial, GroupM, Lomax A/S, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, SEO, Content Marketing,

Brøndby | Freelance/Vikar

Digital senior specialist med +10 års erfaring fra bureau.
Jeg har arbejdet på bureau - først som tekstforfatter, siden seo specialist og senior konsulent, sid...

IIH Nordic, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, SEO, Content Marketing,

Örebro | Freelance/Vikar

SEO-specialist frilans.
1. SEO 2. Jag är främst intresserad av större uppdrag/projekt. Om mindre uppdrag efterfrågas är jag...

Electrolux Home, Landshypoteks bank, Swedish Lorry parts, ...


Malmö | Freelance/Vikar

Junior SEO-konsult med 3 års erfarenhet letar efter nya samarbeten inom sökmotoroptimering. Fokus på...

Elbilsvaruhuset, Lomma Krogen, ...


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Find a skilled marketing specialist with Hubspot experience

As you will see, many specialists here on the platform have technology experience on top of their specific marketing skills. So if you use HubSpot in your company, we can help you add resources with relevant experience to your team.

Which 6 HubSpot-related skills are important in your team?

The optimal configuration of a marketing setup depends on, among other things, strategy, finance, industry and, of course, technology. We see that if you want to get optimal results with HubSpot, you can benefit from having access to specialists with skills like these:

  1. Digital Marketing Expertise: Must have a solid understanding of digital marketing strategies and tactics. This includes inbound and content marketing, SEO, SoMe and, of course, e-mail campaigns.
  2. Technical know-how: HubSpot is a technical platform, so some technological understanding should be in place. So you can set up and customize HubSpot’s tools, troubleshoot and solve technical challenges, and maybe even integrate third-party solutions.
  3. Analytical skills: Comprehensive analysis and reporting capabilities are implicit in HubSpot. So the good marketing setup has people who can analyze data, see trends and base decisions on verified knowledge.
  4. Project management: HubSpot involves several stakeholders and tasks both during implementation and in operation. It requires one or more people who can manage projects, organize the work and ensure that schedules and deadlines are met.
  5. Strong communicative skills: HubSpot is often centrally located in the execution of the company’s strategies and thus a tool for communicating precisely to various stakeholders. It requires people who can get ideas, write interestingly so that it is read and perhaps collaborate with different departments in the company on their communicative tasks.
  6. Technical flair: HubSpot is constantly developing, and you must constantly update yourself on new functions and best practices. Therefore, it is desirable to have at least one person with technical flair and an interest in the tool itself.

These are big demands, and therefore different profiles are needed in the team.

What marketing titles will typically be in contact with HubSpot?

How the HubSpot skills should be distributed between internal employees and closely connected freelancers is very different from company to company. Just as it is person-dependent. Some marketers are surprisingly tech-savvy and interested, while others only see technology as a tool. But if your company uses HubSpot, it will be natural to look for HubSpot experience in people who have to cover positions such as:

  • Marketing Manager: Can develop and implement strategies and campaigns to increase visibility and sales of products.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: To run the digital marketing, incl. SEO, Paid media, SoMe and E-mail marketing.
  • Inbound Marketing Specialist: Can organize your marketing setup with a particular focus on creating a response from relevant prospects and ensuring that as many as possible of the incoming leads are converted.
  • Content Marketing Specialist or Manager: A specialist in developing interesting content with high involvement potential.
  • CRM Manager: A person with a focus on building your customer base, obtaining high quality data and using data for effective marketing.
  • Social Media Manager: Someone who can take on the responsibility of marketing your company or your products on the social platforms. By knowing both the ‘lingo’ that prevails on each of the platforms as well as the functions you can use.
  • SEO Specialist: A specialist in getting the company far ahead in potential customers’ searches on Google, Bing and whatever other search engines there might be.
  • E-mail & Automation Specialist: A person who can optimize and automate marketing via E-mail 24/7.

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