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Alle freelancere og vikarer på denne side har Mailchimp-erfaring. Så hvis I bruger Mailchimp i din virksomhed, kan du hurtigt komme i kontakt med personer med relevant erfaring her.


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Viser: Native English Copywriter

CHARLOTTENLUND | Freelance/Vikar

Copywriter / Creative / Translator.
Freelance English copywriter, creative translator and proofreader - specialising in marketing, fashi...



Copenhagen | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Native English Copywriter / Content strategist.
Wordsmith, content strategist, and all-around team player who brings healthcare expertise to the tab...

RevM, Kunde & Co, &Robin, ...


København N | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Native English speaking copywriter and content creator. Adept at tasks involving the production of l...

Sport Compass, Egmont, Precision Effect, ...


København | Freelance/Vikar

Creative Communications Strategist.
Versatile creative communications specialist with experience in both agency and in-house advertising...

Wunderman MSC, Agreena ApS, ...

E-mail Marketing, Digitale kampagner, Branding/identitet,

Værløse | Freelance/Vikar

Hello there! I think kindness is more important than wisdom. But don't worry – I strive to practice ...

Widex, Nilfisk, Lithium Balance/XOLTA, ...


Amiens | Freelance/Vikar

Native English Proofreader.
I am a well-rounded, well-traveled individual. In addition to my earliest career in film & telev...

Fort George Distribution, United States Coast Guard, ...


Torslanda | Freelance/Vikar

Native English copywriter.
I'm a skilled copywriter currently working for a luxury electric car brand who writes mainly for the...

Digital Copywriter, ...

Kommunikation/PR, UX/UI, Sociale Medier,

Manavgat | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Content / SEO copywriter / Editor.
I'm an experienced writer and creative copywriter skilled at creating engaging, authentic content in...

Medical Travel Czech, Textbroker, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, Kommunikation/PR, Influencer Marketing,

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Find a skilled marketing specialist with MailChimp experience

You can find many specialists here on the platform who have technology experience beyond their specific marketing skills. So if you use MailChimp, or are considering doing so, we can help you add resources with relevant experience to your team.

What 5 MailChimp-related skills are important in a marketing team?

In a marketing team working with MailChimp, there are several key skills that can be useful:

  1. Experts in the MailChimp platform: It is important to have employees who are familiar with MailChimp’s features and tools so that they can create and manage effective email campaigns.
  2. Email Marketing Strategy: Employees with experience in email marketing strategy can help develop targeted and engaging email campaigns that fit the company’s goals and target audience.
  3. Graphic Design and Creativity: Having someone with graphic design skills create visually appealing email templates and graphics that can improve campaign effectiveness.
  4. Data Analysis: The ability to analyze and interpret data from MailChimp reports can help identify trends, improve campaign results, and optimize future email marketing efforts.
  5. Copywriting and Editing: Strong writing and editing skills can help create persuasive and effective email copy that captures the attention of recipients and encourages engagement.

These skills can help ensure that a marketing team is able to fully utilize the MailChimp platform and achieve successful email marketing results.

What marketing titles would typically be in contact with MailChimp?

In a marketing team working with MailChimp, there are several marketing titles that typically touch the platform. Among other:

  • Marketing Manager: A marketing manager is responsible for planning and implementing marketing strategies, including email marketing campaigns using MailChimp.
  • Email Marketing Specialist: An email marketing specialist can create and manage email campaigns using the MailChimp platform.
  • Digital Marketing Coordinator: A digital marketing coordinator may be responsible for coordinating and implementing digital marketing activities, including email marketing using MailChimp.
  • Marketing Automation Manager: A manager responsible for creating and managing automated marketing campaigns, including email automation using MailChimp’s automation capabilities.
  • Content Marketing Specialist: The specialist can use MailChimp to distribute and market content via email campaigns.

All these functions and titles can be covered via

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Vi skal blot sætte lidt tid af til at møde nogle kandidater og så vælge den, der passer os bedst

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