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Viser: Native English Copywriter

København N | Freelance/Vikar

Freelance Copywriter.
I’m a Brit-born, Sydney-raised and Copenhagen-based copywriter and (occasional) journalist. I've ...

IKEA, Ørsted, Pandora, ...

Content Marketing, Branding/identitet,

Charlottenlund |

Science Communicator – Copywriter, Editor and Proofreader.
With a background in life sciences research and education, I am passionate about good quality scienc...

MEDVIA, BioVox, Turnstone Communications, ...


Ballerup | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Senior Copywriter x Strategisk Conceptudvikler.
I bring strong collaboration skills and a creative instinct for what works in communication efforts—...

MediaK ApS, NOV SPS, Codeex, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Nyhedsbrev,

COPENHAGEN K | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Native English Senior Copywriter and Journalist.
I am a native English senior copywriter with 15 years of varied editorial experience. My proven prof...

Kunde & Co, IKEA, Spirii, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Nyhedsbrev, Website/CMS,

København | Freelance/Vikar

Some people are asked to think outside the box – with me there is no box. My ideas are created from ...

Freelance Clients, ...


København Ø | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Creative Direction and Brand Strategist.
With over ten years' experience across copy, content and creative strategy, I've worked with industr...

Morph Mentum, Templafy, Springer Nature, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Branding/identitet,

Göteborg | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Native English copywriter & communications specialist.
I'm Sam. I'm a native English copywriter with a decade under my belt in the B2B sector. I've worked ...

Copywriter, Copywriter, Copywriter, ...

E-mail Marketing, Kommunikation/PR, Nyhedsbrev,

Sønderborg | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Communication Manager.
I can align your creative and strategic branding, communication, and digital marketing. Senior st...


Kommunikation/PR, Content Marketing, Branding/identitet,

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Find a skilled marketing specialist with Shopify experience

Many specialists at have technology experience in addition to their marketing skills. So if your company uses Shopify and you want to take full advantage of the technology, you can add extra experience to your team.

Which 3 Shopify-related skills are important in your team?

As you know, a marketing department’s optimal resource profile depends on factors such as industry, size, finances and, not least, the company’s strategy. But when it comes to Shopify, it’s important to have these skills.

  1. E-commerce and business understanding: Marketing must have access to a deep understanding of e-commerce concepts and business principles. Among other things when it comes to product management, marketing and sales strategies.
  2. Web design and development: At least one person in your setup must be able to use Shopify’s templates and interface, so that you can continuously adapt and optimize your store’s layout, as well as develop new functions and change your style and tone whenever you want.
  3. Digital marketing: Finally, every store needs a specialist who is dedicated to driving traffic in the store through digital channels. Be it via SEO (search engine optimisation), SoMe, e-mail campaigns and online advertising in general.

People who both have the marketing skills and at the same time know the tool well, manage to create the extra percentage effect. Just like a SoMe specialist, you must be both a skilled marketer and so well versed in the functionalities and algorithms of the SoMe platforms that you make full use of the opportunities.

We often see the need covered by specialists with titles such as:

  • Marketing Manager: To develop and implement strategies and campaigns to increase visibility and sales of products on the Shopify platform.
  • E-commerce Specialist: An expert in e-commerce and Shopify who can optimize and improve the user experience, conversion rates and sales.
  • Digital Marketing Manager: Who can run digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising (PPC), social media and email marketing.
  • Copywriter: To create and distribute relevant content, such as blogs, articles, videos, infographics, etc. to seek and retain the target audience on the Shopify platform.
  • Social Media Manager: To manage social media channels, create content, engage followers and use social media to increase awareness and engagement with the Shopify platform.
  • Graphic Designer: To create images, graphics and branding elements used to sell products on the Shopify platform.
  • Data Analyst: Analyzes data and performance to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and identify opportunities for improvement on the Shopify platform.

Feel free to ask us about our experience in setting up a strong team with and around Shopify.

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Jeg brugte første gang i mit forrige job hos Secomea. Det var så god en oplevelse, at jeg også i mit nye job har fået Carsten Bjerregaards hjælp. Jeg er vild med konceptet.

Susanne Juul Hastrup, Brand- og Marketingchef

Vi skal blot sætte lidt tid af til at møde nogle kandidater og så vælge den, der passer os bedst

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Kim Vile, Marketing Director
Fitness World

Jeg er utrolig lettet over, at jeg har denne mulighed

Hos DKTV, som tidligere hed Dansk Kabel TV, har vi god erfaring med at bruge freelancere i stedet for reklamebureauer. Vi har brugt freelancere flittigt i de 4 år, jeg har været her, så jeg ved også, at det kan være svært – og tage tid – at finde den rigtige…

Maja Aagaard, Chef for Produkt, Marketing og Kommunikation