Find erfarne Sitecore-specialister til dit næste projekt

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Frederikssund | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Kreativ freelancer der hjælper virksomheder med digital strategi..
🌟 Chelle: Din kreative branding ekspert & Bestyrelsesrådgiver 🌟 Hejsa! Jeg er en kreativ sjæ...

ÆRLIGT, Danbolig, ...

Bestyrelse / advisory board, Content Marketing, Digitale kampagner,

Manavgat | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Content / SEO copywriter / Editor.
I'm an experienced writer and creative copywriter skilled at creating engaging, authentic content in...

Medical Travel Czech, Textbroker, ...

Influencer Marketing, Søgemaskine optimering, Kommunikation/PR,

Sønderborg |

Min mission er at hjælpe virksomheder med at opnå en synlig tilstedeværelse på sociale medier, så du...

Beauty By Dreier, nyit aps, Flotalia, ...

Content Marketing, Marketingplanlægning, Sociale Medier,

Stockholm |

Uppnå exceptionella försäljningsresultat med digital marknadsföring! Mitt namn är Emma och jag är...

Mindful, SignCast, Emma Shönhets, ...

UX/UI, Systemudvikling, Præsentationer,

København SV | Freelance/Vikar

E-commerce and marketing consultant, E-mail Marketing.
Jeg er freelance marketing konsulent. Med over 10 års erfaring indenfor digital marketing og e-comme...

Home by Ilse Jacobsen, Camvision A/S, Bullerbox ApS, ...

E-mail Marketing, Digitale kampagner, Marketingplanlægning,

Valby | Freelance/Vikar

SoMe manager & Content Creator.
Jeg har igennem mit karriereforløb arbejdet med markedsføring på sociale medier, brand management, i...

Aller Leisure, ...

Content Marketing, Branding/identitet, Sociale Medier,

Kolding | Freelance/Vikar

Rådgivning & kreativ sparring.
- Udarbejdelse af design manualer, virksomhedsprofiler og visuel identitet. - Rådgivning og kreativ...

Venstre, Gribskov Kommune, Bent Hansen Borgmester Gribskov, ...

Design, Website/CMS, Præsentationer,

Odense | Freelance/Vikar

Kommerciel Konsulent, Certificeret Coach, Brand Rådgiver.
Chaos-Organizer, Creative Coach, Branding Manager, kære barn har mange navne! Som ekspert inden f...

Weptos, Unicontrol, Visuel Data, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Marketingplanlægning,

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Find a skilled marketing specialist with Sitecore experience

As you will see, many specialists here on the platform have technology experience on top of their specific marketing skills. So if you use – or want to use – Sitecore in your company, we can help you add resources with relevant experience to your team.

Which 6 Sitecore-related skills are important in your team?

The better you as a department are equipped with Sitecore-related skills, the better results you will get, all else being equal. Here are some of the most important:

  1. Sitecore Development: The ability to develop and customize the Sitecore platform using Sitecore’s .NET-based technology and APIs is critical to deploying and maintaining Sitecore solutions.
  2. Sitecore Architecture: An in-depth understanding of Sitecore’s architecture and best practices is essential to designing and implementing scalable and efficient Sitecore solutions.
  3. Content Management: Competencies within Sitecore’s content management functionality are required to create and manage content on the Sitecore platform, including template creation, workflows and versioning.
  4. Personalization and Targeting: The ability to leverage Sitecore’s personalization and targeting capabilities is important to deliver tailored and relevant experiences to be consumed based on their behavior and preferences.
  5. Sitecore Analytics: Experience with Sitecore’s analysis tools and ability to analyze and interpret data from Sitecore Analytics is important to understand user behavior and optimize the web experience.
  6. Integration: Competencies in the integration of Sitecore with other systems such as CRM, e-commerce platforms or third-party applications are important to create a seamless and coherent digital experience.

Specific competencies and areas of responsibility can of course vary depending on the scope of the project and the company’s needs.

What marketing titles will typically be in contact with Sitecore?

In a marketing team working with Sitecore, there are several marketing titles that would typically touch the platform. Among other:

  • Digital Marketing Manager: A digital marketing manager is responsible for planning and implementing digital marketing strategies using the Sitecore platform.
  • Web Content Manager: A web content manager creates and manages the content on the company’s website using Sitecore’s content management system (CMS).
  • Marketing Automation Specialist: The specialist uses Sitecore’s marketing automation capabilities to create and manage campaigns and customer journeys.
  • Personalization Specialist: Uses Sitecore’s personalization capabilities to deliver tailored content and experiences to users based on their behavior and preferences.
  • Analytics Manager: An analytics manager uses Sitecore’s built-in analytics tools to track and analyze website data and user behavior to optimize marketing efforts and improve results.

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Susanne Juul Hastrup, Brand- og Marketingchef

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Maja Aagaard, Chef for Produkt, Marketing og Kommunikation