Find erfarne WordPress-specialister til dit næste projekt
Alle freelancere og vikarer på denne side har WordPress-erfaring. Så hvis I bruger WordPress i din virksomhed, kan du hurtigt komme i kontakt med personer med relevant erfaring her.
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Find a skilled marketing specialist with WordPress experience
Many freelancers and specialists with a profile on have technology experience on top of their specific marketing skills. So if you use (or want to use) WordPress in your company, we can help you add resources with relevant experience to your team.
What 5 WordPress-related skills are important in a marketing team?
Among the most necessary skills are:
- WordPress Web Design: The ability to create and customize attractive and user-friendly websites using WordPress themes and plugins.
- WordPress Development: Experience customizing and extending the functionality of a WordPress website using custom themes, plugins and coding.
- SEO optimization: Knowledge of how to implement SEO best practice on a WordPress website to improve visibility and ranking in search engines.
- Content Management: The ability to create and organize content on a WordPress website, including page creation, posts and media management.
- Analytics and Tracking: Experience implementing and analyzing data from tools such as Google Analytics to measure and optimize the performance of a WordPress website.
These skills can help your marketing team build and maintain an effective online presence using WordPress as a platform.
Which marketing titles will typically be in contact with WordPress?
Some of the most common titles that you can also find here at include:
- Digital Marketing Manager: An individual in this role will be responsible for developing and implementing digital marketing strategies, including the use of WordPress to create and manage websites and content.
- Content Marketing Specialist: A content marketing specialist will use WordPress to create and manage website content, including blog posts, articles and landing pages.
- SEO Specialist: Uses WordPress to optimize websites for search engine optimization by implementing relevant keywords, meta-tags and structured data.
- Web developer: The web developer typically has skills in WordPress development and uses the platform to create and adapt websites as needed.
- Social Media Manager: A manager with SoMe responsibility can use WordPress to integrate social media platforms and websites – and share content across different channels.
These are just some of the marketing titles that may touch on WordPress, depending on the size and structure of the team.
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