Thank you for your inquiry

What happens next?

  1. We will contact you with more detailed questions and a schedule. This typically happens within 24 hours
  2. First, the algorithm does the hard work. It matches your requirements with the wealth of data we have on the candidates. From this, a selection of promising candidates emerges.
  3. We then move forward with them. We check their skills, experience and place of residence. We also make sure they are interested in the current collaboration and have the time.
  4. With that knowledge, we select 3 strong candidates for you.

After getting to know the candidates better, you're free to choose your favorite to work with. We'll facilitate the appointment and time registration, and you can start working together when you're ready.


  • We will not start the search until we have been in contact with you.
  • If this is your first time using us, you will be asked to confirm our normal terms and conditions regarding confidentiality and use of

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on +45 29930790 or


Contact 29930790

Do you have questions or need help finding the right candidate for your project?