Lokation: København Ø
Uddannelse:Bachelor of Computer Science, IT University of Copenhagen
Ønskede forløb:
- Freelance/Vikar
- længere forløb (3+ måneder)
- Timer pr. uge: 24+
Projektledare för IT/Web -
IT Projektledelse & Programledelse
I have been working as IT Program & Project Manager and Software Developer since 1991. The last 15 years, my focus has been on IT Program and Project Management. I have a unique knowledge of many different business areas and a very solid technical expertise. This gives me the ability to effectively communicate with both the business and the IT experts. Bridging the understanding between both parties easily and resulting in successfully implemented projects.
I take great pride in my work and aim for the highest quality. I always strive to ensure that the business owners get the full potential and benefits of their projects. I have great people skills and empathy which I believe are very important to motivate and lead others as well as strengthen collaboration and ensure true teamwork. I started my own IT consultancy company in 2019. My primary interest is contracts as Program Manager. Secondary contracts as Project Manager.
Har löst några uppgifter.
2: Avancerad nybörjare - En viss erfarenhetHar löst flera uppgifter.
3: Kompetent - Stor erfarenhetHar löst många olika uppgifter. Erfaren och självständig.
4: Expert - omfattande erfarenhetMycket erfaren. Kan utbilda/coacha andra.
Virksomhed |
Arbejdsområder |
Afsluttet |
Varighed |
Tilknytning |
Novo Nordisk | , , , , | Igangværende | 6 mdr - 1 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent |