Graphic Designer

A Graphic Designer can give your business a consistent, attractive look. Often, it is a Graphic Designer who holds the line in day-to-day marketing. The designer makes sure the logo is in the right place, that the typography is correct and that the images have the right mood. With Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro Designer in their toolbox, a graphic designer can design websites, landing pages, banner ads, brochures, business cards, posters, packaging, leaflets, flyers, logos, newsletters, whitepapers, magazines, newspapers, signs for videos and other elements. A Graphic Designer is almost a must-have in a marketing department.


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Shows: Social Media Manager

Hanaskog | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Virtual Assistant.
Jag är särskilt bra på att hantera administrativa uppgifter, ge förstklassig kundservice och skapa e...

ElinLinnea, ElinLinnea, ...


Ballerup | Freelance/Vikar

SoMe Manager, Influencer and Content Marketing..
Jeg er en udadvendt person, som elsker et godt grin, sneakers og social media! Jeg har i de sidste t...

NAKED Copenhagen, Arkk Copenhagen, Nike, ...

Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing, Sociale Medier,

Aarhus | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Social Media & Content Marketing Specialist.
Jeg er særligt god til at skabe en autentiske og troværdig kommunikation mellem din dit brand og mål...

The Burger Concept, MINFLU, ILVA, ...

Content Marketing, Sociale Medier,

Rødovre | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Social media specialist.
Over seks års erfaring med sociale medier, content creation samt marketing og kommunikation inden fo...

TV 2, AllerCP, ...

Sociale Medier, Content Marketing,

Glostrup | Freelance/Vikar

Dataanalytiker og SoMe manager.
Hej, jeg har arbejdet som dataanalytiker i mere end et årti, både i den private og offentlige sektor...

Tryg, PFA, Skatteminsiteriet, ...


Søborg | Freelance/Vikar

Senior kommunikationskonsulent.
Jeg har tolv års erhvervserfaring med strategisk kommunikation, marketing, digitale kampagner, journ...

Dansk Industri, HORESTA, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Sociale Medier, Digitale kampagner,

København | Freelance/Vikar

Global social media manager.
Vil du have hjælp til at opnå dine digitale mål? Så lad mig skabe fortællinger på dine sociale ka...

Maersk, Danmarks Radio, Hjerteforeningen, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Content Marketing, Marketingplanlægning,

København | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Brand Manager.
Hej, jeg er 30 år gammel og bor sammen med min kæreste og datter i København. Branding er min sto...

Tromborg, Generaxion, SURB Agency, ...

Branding/identitet, Sociale Medier,

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By all means, a great process when using freelancers

I first used in my previous job at Secomea. It was such a good experience that I have also enlisted Carsten Bjerregaard's help in my new job. I love the concept.

Susanne Juul Hastrup, Brand and Marketing Manager

We just need to set aside some time to meet some candidates and then choose the one that suits us best

I have used to find a UX/UI employee for a web project. We wanted someone who could sit onsite with us and be involved in a closer collaboration than you would expect...

Kim Vile, Marketing Director
Fitness World

I am incredibly relieved that I have this opportunity

At DKTV, formerly Dansk Kabel TV, we have good experience with using freelancers instead of advertising agencies. We've used freelancers extensively in the 4 years I've been here, so I also know that it can be difficult - and take time - to find the right...

Maja Aagaard, Head of Product, Marketing and Communication