Find erfarne Meta (Facebook/Instagram)-specialister til dit næste projekt

Alle freelancere og vikarer på denne side har Meta (Facebook/Instagram)-erfaring. Så hvis I bruger Meta (Facebook/Instagram) i din virksomhed, kan du hurtigt komme i kontakt med personer med relevant erfaring her.


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Viser: Meta (Facebook/Instagram)

København N | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

head of marketing and branding.
Throughout my career I have managed strategy and communications frameworks from start to finish. I b...

Roccamore, Self-employed, Novo Nordisk, ...

Kommunikation/PR, Video, Content Marketing,

Aarhus | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Arkitekt | Grafisk design | Visuel kommunikation og formidling.
Grafisk designer og Arkitekt med speciale i visuel kommunikation og design. Omsætter ideer og vis...

Trifork, Forlaget Klim, Aarhus Kommune, ...

Præsentationer, Design, Branding/identitet,

Skive | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Digital Marketing Strategist.
Jeg mener, at information skal være let fordøjelig og målrettet, derfor har jeg lavet en hurtig bull...

FolieKoncept, We Love Animation, SpektrumShop, ...

Sociale Medier, Design, Marketingplanlægning,

København | Freelance/Vikar

Trade marketing Manager.
Jeg trives i en dynamisk hverdag, hvor jeg hurtigt og effektivt anvender min viden og erfaring til a...

Adeas Privathospital, Roskilde privathospital, Alfa People, ...

Sociale Medier,

Frederiksberg, KBH | Fastansættelse

Brand Manager / Projekt leder.
Spidskompetencer: - Brand Management & projektledelse Har en holistisk marketing/kommunikatio...

House of Brands, Distributionsvirksomhed (Kosmetik), AudioNova, Dermarome (...

Branding/identitet, Marketingplanlægning, Marketingstrategi,

Aarhus V | Freelance/Vikar

Marketing og Salgs Specialist.
Jeg er en stærkt teknisk marketeer med flair for at tiltrække opmærksomhed og se unikke forretningst...

Leadmotor ApS, Lifeskill ApS, Pentia A/S, ...

E-mail Marketing, Digitale kampagner, DM/Leadgenerering,

Ebeltoft / Aarhus | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Creative copywriter.
Experienced at writing exceptional commercial copy for all purposes, from SEO-optimised webpages to ...

Hurtigruten, Demant, Demant, ...

Søgemaskine optimering, Kommunikation/PR, E-mail Marketing,

Humlebæk | Freelance/Vikar, Fastansættelse

Marketing Director.
Strategic, commercial, digital and analytically strong FMCG and SaaS marketing leader, with thorough...

Bemakers, Siteimprove, Diageo, ...

Branding/identitet, Marketingplanlægning, Marketingstrategi,

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Find a skilled marketing specialist with Facebook/Instagram experience

Many freelance specialists here on the platform have worked with different technologies. So, in addition to their specific marketing skills, they can offer technological hands-on experience. If you use Facebook/Instagram in your company, we can help you add resources with relevant experience to your team.

What 5 Facebook/Instagram related skills are important in a marketing team?

more Facebook/Instagram related skills can be valuable. Here are some of them:

  1. Ad setup and optimization: Knowledge of how to create effective advertising on Facebook and Instagram. This includes understanding audience settings, budget management, ad type selection and monitoring results to optimize performance.
  2. Target group analysis: To be able to analyze and understand the target groups on Facebook and Instagram in order to target ads. It involves using tools like Facebook Audience Insights to identify demographic data, interests and behaviors to reach the right target audience.
  3. Content strategy: Competence to be able to develop an effective content strategy for Facebook and Instagram is important. The team must have access to understand the unique characteristics of the platform, the preferences of the target audience and to be able to create content that engages and is relevant.
  4. Community management: An important competence is being able to handle and engage with followers and users on Facebook and Instagram. Because you can thereby build and maintain a strong online presence. You must be able to answer questions, respond to comments and deal with any problems or complaints.
  5. Analysis and Reporting: The ability to analyze data and report on the performance of Facebook and Instagram campaigns is important. It involves using Facebook Ads Manager and Instagram Insights to assess results, identify trends and make informed decisions.

However, there is no definitive list of how the competencies are best distributed across different roles and titles. We have collected some main groups here on the platform, but the specific titles can go in many directions.

What marketing titles would typically be in touch with Facebook/Instagram?

Some marketing titles that would typically touch on Facebook/Instagram include:

  • Social Media Manager: A Social Media Manager is responsible for planning, implementing and managing the company’s presence on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. This includes, among other things, creating and sharing content, engaging with followers, monitoring performance and analyzing data to optimize campaigns.
  • Digital Marketing Manager: Responsible for developing and implementing digital strategies, including the use of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Managers work to increase visibility, generate leads and drive traffic to the company website using these channels.
  • Paid Social Media Specialist: The specialist focuses on creating and managing ads on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. It includes developing and implementing targeted advertising campaigns, monitoring performance and making adjustments to achieve desired results.
  • Content Marketing Specialist: A specialist who creates and distributes relevant and engaging content on various channels, including Facebook and Instagram. The specialist develops content that engages the target group and thus works to build a positive brand image through content marketing.
  • Influencer Marketing Manager: An Influencer Marketing Manager works to identify and collaborate with relevant influencers on social media platforms. The manager creates and manages partnerships with influencers to increase brand awareness, reach a wider audience and create authentic content.

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