Lokation: Sønderborg
Uddannelse:cand.mag. Internatinal business communication and english
Ønskede forløb:
- Freelance/Vikar
- kortere forløb (<3 måneder)
- Timer pr. uge: 1-12 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 12-24 timer
- Fastansættelse
Marketing Manager - Native English Copywriter
Communication Manager
I can align your creative and strategic branding, communication, and digital marketing.
Senior strategic marketing-communication manager. My areas of expertise lie within strategic communication, project management, sustainability, and strategy.
In the past I have excelled in helping organizations reach their strategic goals through digital communication, marketing communication, strong project management, and sustainable business development.
* Strategy, communication, sustainability, leadership
* People and strategy manager
* Project manager and problem solver
* Background as creative copywriter and content creator
Har løst enkelte opgaver.
2: Avanceret begynder - Nogen erfaringHar løst flere opgaver.
3: Kompetent - Stor erfaringHar løst adskillige opgaver. Rutineret og selvstændig.
4: Ekspert - Omfattende erfaringMeget rutineret. Kan træne/vejlede andre.
Virksomhed |
Arbejdsområder |
Afsluttet |
Varighed |
Tilknytning |
ABENA | Branding/identitet, Content Marketing, Kommunikation/PR, Digitale kampagner, Design | 2023 | 4+ år | Ansat | ||
NBI | Content Marketing, Sociale Medier, Marketingplanlægning, Kommunikation/PR, Filmoptagelse | 2018 | 2-3 år | Ansat |