Lokation: Frederiksberg C
Ønskede forløb:
- Timer pr. uge: 1-12 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 12-24 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 24+
- Fastansættelse
Marketing Projektleder - Marketing Manager
Freelance Marketing Project Manager
– Experienced marketing- and project manager –
I’m a dynamic and skilled MarCom professional with several years of experience with marketing- and project management within tech and it.
I possess a proactive mindset and a passion for unlocking value for both internal and external stakeholders through well-planned and executed communication and marketing strategies. With me, I bring expertise within:
Project management: From large-scale strategic events to digital/web /comms projects and campaigns, I have extensive experience in project management and coordination. I am adept at collaborating with internal and external suppliers, agencies, and freelancers to deliver high-quality content productions.
Content/Copy creation: I can support you with compelling copy and content for various channels and target groups, both internal and external.
Digital deployment: My expertise in digital deployment extends to various digital platforms, where I focus on user journey and experience. I have hands-on experience in implementing and executing customer-centric communication and marketing such as web, and email marketing campaigns, marketing automation, and SoMe.
I thrive in an international, diverse and dynamic environment and have experience working across local, global, and remote teams.
Don’t hesitate to reach out!
Har løst enkelte opgaver.
2: Avanceret begynder - Nogen erfaringHar løst flere opgaver.
3: Kompetent - Stor erfaringHar løst adskillige opgaver. Rutineret og selvstændig.
4: Ekspert - Omfattende erfaringMeget rutineret. Kan træne/vejlede andre.
Virksomhed | Arbejdsområder | Afsluttet | Varighed | Tilknytning | ||
Universal Robots | Marketingstrategi, Marketingplanlægning, Kommunikation/PR, Content Marketing, | Igangværende | 6 mdr - 1 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent | ||
Microsoft | Marketingstrategi, Marketingplanlægning, Kommunikation/PR, Digitale kampagner, Content Marketing | 2022 | 1-2 år | Ansat | ||
Atea | E-mail Marketing, Digitale kampagner, Content Marketing, , | 2021 | 6 mdr - 1 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent | ||
Bekey | Branding/identitet, Content Marketing, Marketingstrategi, Marketingplanlægning, Kommunikation/PR | 2020 | 1-2 år | Ansat |