Lokation: Göteborg
Uddannelse:Miami Ad School
Ønskede forløb:
- Freelance/Vikar
- kortere forløb (<3 måneder)
- længere forløb (3+ måneder)
- Timer pr. uge: 1-12 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 12-24 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 24+
- Fastansættelse
Tekstforfatter - PR & Kommunikations- konsulent
Creative & Strategic Marketer
With ten years of experience in advertising, I’ve contributed to building various brands through marketing, communication, strategy and PR. I believe that, regardless of the latest technology buzz, understanding how to tell a story lies at the heart of any great experience – be it animation, books, UX, VR tech, movies, the Metaverse or brands. As a Creative Copywriter, it’s my job to immerse myself in my client’s business. To identify opportunities and challenges, understand trends and consumer behavior and distill complex facts into relatable and engaging communication. With my extensive background in communication, I’m confident in delivering projects from brief to end user.
As a consultant, I’m used to navigating myself within a new organization, mixing an entrepreneurial and collaborative approach to deliver on-brand insights, strategy and ideas right from the outset.
Har løst enkelte opgaver.
2: Avanceret begynder - Nogen erfaringHar løst flere opgaver.
3: Kompetent - Stor erfaringHar løst adskillige opgaver. Rutineret og selvstændig.
4: Ekspert - Omfattende erfaringMeget rutineret. Kan træne/vejlede andre.
Virksomhed |
Arbejdsområder |
Afsluttet |
Varighed |
Tilknytning |
, , , , | Igangværende | 4+ år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent |