Lokation: København K
Uddannelse:HD Informatik og Økonomistyring, Scrum master, SAFE certificeret, ITIL
Ønskede forløb:
- kortere forløb (<3 måneder)
- længere forløb (3+ måneder)
- Freelance/Vikar
- Timer pr. uge: 24+
IT/Web projektleder -
IT projektleder
Great at demystifying IT – understanding business and bringing the two together utilizing IT to bring a business advantage. I’m a practical person delivering hands on project/program management that makes action happen.
Are you looking for help delivering IT projects in different parts of the value chain then read on. I am passionate about delivering projects and real practical value to clients every day I go to work.
My experience from buying/supplying IT and running projects/programs, come together in my specialty; solving business issues and creating opportunities with the intelligent application of IT solutions. I help you see and communicate the right solution, scope it, price it and deliver it.
Add to this; that have worked internationally (USA and China), can manage accounts (ex. ECCO, Falck, SDC), lead people (10+ years direct management experience), stay calm – also when troubles in an IT delivery are mounting (many successful deliveries) and deliver on time/budget (consultant deliveries for major customers).
• Delivery of online digital self-service solutions, large high profile websites
• Replacement of software platform for a Norwegian bank. Development, test and implementation.
• IT Program management development/implementing an online BI tool with 10,000 global users.
Specialties: IT Project Management, IT Program management, IT Account management, Logistics, Practical IT Implementation, Contract Managem
Har løst enkelte opgaver.
2: Avanceret begynder - Nogen erfaringHar løst flere opgaver.
3: Kompetent - Stor erfaringHar løst adskillige opgaver. Rutineret og selvstændig.
4: Ekspert - Omfattende erfaringMeget rutineret. Kan træne/vejlede andre.
Virksomhed | Arbejdsområder | Afsluttet | Varighed | Tilknytning | ||
Falck | Systemudvikling, , , , | Igangværende | 1-2 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent | ||
Adecco | Systemudvikling, , , , | 2023 | 1-2 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent | ||
SDC | Systemudvikling, , , , | 2021 | 4+ år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent | ||
Berlingske Media | Systemudvikling, , , , | 2015 | 1-2 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent |