Lokation: Rødovre
Uddannelse:Master of IT samt kurser og certificeringer inden digital marketing
Ønskede forløb:
- kortere forløb (<3 måneder)
- længere forløb (3+ måneder)
- Freelance/Vikar
- Timer pr. uge: 1-12 timer
- Timer pr. uge: 12-24 timer
- Fastansættelse
SEO Specialist - Growth Hacker
Web analyse og SEM/SEO
I am metrics and performance driven, experienced from working in a hybrid Marketing/IT position working on the technical side of Marketing.
Based on business goals and marketing strategies, my approach is choosing the right metrics, focusing on the best customers, improving the customer journey, and improving impact and campaign success.
For the inbound part focus is on getting the right visitors to the right content for the right reasons.
Having a good understanding of the main analytics tools and interpreting data from them, combined with good communications skills, I am able to share the story the data are telling me to non-technical/data skilled colleagues at all levels of the organisation.
Based on my knowledge around website user behavior, conversion optimization, inbound channels, usability, I am able to troubleshoot and recommend improvements and fixes.
In addition, I understand the traffic drivers to websites, and have hands on experience in SEO.
I am proactive by nature
Har løst enkelte opgaver.
2: Avanceret begynder - Nogen erfaringHar løst flere opgaver.
3: Kompetent - Stor erfaringHar løst adskillige opgaver. Rutineret og selvstændig.
4: Ekspert - Omfattende erfaringMeget rutineret. Kan træne/vejlede andre.
Virksomhed | Arbejdsområder | Afsluttet | Varighed | Tilknytning | ||
Copenhill | UX/brugeradfærd, BI/Data mining, Marketingplanlægning, , | Igangværende | 2-3 mdr | Ansat | ||
Selvstendig | Marketingplanlægning, Content Marketing, Søgemaskine optimering, BI/Data mining, UX/brugeradfærd | 2019 | 6 mdr - 1 år | Freelancer/ekstern konsulent | ||
Zyxel Communications | Content Marketing, UX/brugeradfærd, BI/Data mining, DM/Leadgenerering, Søgemaskine optimering | 2018 | 4+ år | Ansat |